Protected: Vienna Operation: Sex Magic and the Incarnate Whore Goddess
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Continue reading...This is an installation I’ve been presenting since 2012, but now I finally managed to record it.
The concept is straightforward: get the classic chaos magick Vortex ritual and, instead of imagining the things inside my brain, project everything on the wall.
I’ve been feeding this idea for a while: How can I visually express that feeling emerging from meditations on the essence of things? Mostly, on the essence of the ultimate freedom symbol, the Chaos Star. That feeling of weirdness, of “untouchability”, making you realise that, in fact, essence is pure void. Emptiness. And that knowing something is changing something.
Continue reading...The sigilizer creates mantric sigils automagically from intents input by you. And not only one sigil, but several possible variations. The script will always search for the more pronounceable mantras moving vowels to separate consonants.
Continue reading...I finally manage to put an interactive visualisation of what happens inside my mind sometimes into deep meditations. It is a very pleasant chaos sphere trip. I start to see thousands of them and it looks like all reality atoms are in fact chaos spheres.
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