It is our Will to make Art

This marks the beginning of an art project that my partner, AG, and I are developing. It’s our first collaborative endeavor, and we’re pushing our creative boundaries to see how far we can go together—and how much fun we can have along the way. The concept behind this piece was to imprint our desire onto […]

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Untouchable Chaos – The closer, the weirder

I’ve been feeding this idea for a while: How can I visually express that feeling emerging from meditations on the essence of things? Mostly, on the essence of the ultimate freedom symbol, the Chaos Star. That feeling of weirdness, of “untouchability”, making you realise that, in fact, essence is pure void. Emptiness. And that knowing something is changing something.

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The Chaos Star Generator

Since I first became involved with Chaos Magick, the Chaos Star symbol has been firmly etched in my mind. It’s both beautiful and deeply meaningful—representing freedom beyond imagination. The eight directions symbolize infinite possibilities, “including before conceiving,” as A.O.S. would say. After countless meditations and several profound epiphanies, I began seeing Chaos Stars everywhere. Remember […]

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